Something For Alex Goals:
We would like to Have an Event each season to help organizations Alex supported. The following goals are being planned with more to come:
1. Pheasant Hunt at White Creek Farm to help the Boys Scouts. Alex is an Eagle Scout and loved hunting at our family farm. This is being planned for the fall.
2. Kindness Kits/Book Bags - baggies and book bags that are filled with items like toiletries, water, socks, crackers, bible, etc. for community shelters for homeless and/or battered women since both need kindness and support. Several have already been made and donated to the homeless by a family friend since hearing our Something for Alex story.
3. Clothes donations - since this is how Something for Alex started when he loaned Matt his shirt and the first event was donating winter clothes items. This is still being discussed; Alex's brother, Trey, held our first one for his birthday this past January collecting items at his birthday gathering and was able to donate over 100 items to an emergency warming station near Grant Park Zoo in Atlanta, GA.
The Kindness Cards and Wrist Bands are available at any time. We give them out when we share the Something For Alex Story as well as when we see there is someone in need and we show them a simple act of kindness in Alex's memory. We also share about Alex when someone asks us about the wristband. We want to encourage others to be kind to their neighbor as did the Good Samaritan did in the story from Luke 10. It should not matter race, creed, religion or wealth. Christ tells us to love our neighbor as we do ourselves.
Luke 10: 25 - 37